Luxology Reveals All

At the Orpheum theater on 2 August 2005, Luxology announced it’s next release of it’s fabulous character modeler, Modo 201. Luxology also divulged how it can generate complex new applications that integrate fully together though an effort they called Nexus. Using the Nexus application engine, Luxology is able to combine modeling, rendering, and in a future release animation. Expect Modo 201 before the end of the year.

luxology announced modo 201
luxology announced modo 201
brad peepler onstage
brad peepler onstage
brad peepler demonstrates Nexus
brad peepler demonstrates Nexus
luxology is one year old
luxology is one year old

Important Mac Dates

With the recent disclosure, that Apple Computer will slowly transition Mac OS X from PowerPC architecture to Intel architecture, new trade shows and events now become relevant. No longer can the Mac user rely that product announcements will come at Macworld San Francisco, NAB, WWDC, or Apple Expo Paris. Look over the upcoming dates and trade show links for the 2005 and 2006 seasons.

Start Date | Trade Show Name
08/23/2005 | intel developer forum 2005
08/30/2005 | entertainment media expo 2005
09/09/2005 | international broadcasting conference 2005
09/19/2005 | oracle openworld 2005
09/19/2005 | demo fall 2005
09/21/2005 | apple expo paris 2005
10/04/2005 | combined exhibition of advanced technologies 2005
10/07/2005 | audio engineering society AEC convention 2005
10/17/2005 | HP technology forum 2005
10/19/2005 | educause 2005
10/24/2005 | fall processor forum 2005
11/01/2005 | seybold new york 2005
11/15/2005 | streaming media west 2005
11/16/2005 | interBEE 2005
11/30/2005 | seybold san francisco 2005
12/07/2005 | DV expo west 2005
01/05/2006 | consumer electronics show 2006
01/10/2006 | macworld san francisco 2006
01/20/2006 | NAMM show 2006
02/13/2006 | demo 2006
03/07/2006 | intel developer forum 2006
03/09/2006 | cebit 2006
03/21/2006 | game developers conference 2006
03/29/2006 | musikmesse 2006
04/24/2006 | national association of broadcasters 2006
05/02/2006 | interop las vegas 2006
05/23/2006 | streaming media east 2006
06/06/2006 | computex taipei 2006
09/08/2006 | media-tech showcase 2006
09/08/2006 | international broadcasting conference 2006
09/08/2006 | audio engineering society AEC convention 2006
09/18/2006 | HP technology forum 2006
09/19/2006 | interop new york 2006
09/26/2006 | intel developer forum 2006
10/23/2006 | oracle openworld 2006
09/26/2006 | photokina 2006
11/15/2006 | DV expo west 2006

Siggraph 2005 Job Fair

During Siggraph 2005, at the Los Angeles Convention Center, Cloak Media proudly presented its credentials to the visual communications community. This is what I learned:

Los Angeles is still the world center for rich media and visual delights. Be it the video game industry, the visual communication education arena, or just plain visual entertainment, Los Angeles reigns as its fulcrum.

Over the course of two days, The Arts Institutes sponsored a vendor job fair with the likes of Imaginary Forces, Intel, Papaya Studios, Laika, Activision, and Lucas Arts all willing to talk with animators, compositors, pipeline architects, and programmers about contract or full time employment opportunities.

The bulk of studios and design firms also has regular trade show booths to talk with future clients and future employees. Large studios like Digital Domain, Sony Imageworks, and Pixar had a extra day on the show floor. From what I could count, at least 100 positions were available, for an applicant pool of over 600 who decided to submit a resume for review. Good luck to all who met with employers and may all find future happiness.

eager job hunters review the credentials
eager job hunters review the credentials
curricula vitae of the masses
curricula vitae of the masses
employers and future employees papers
employers and future employees papers

Apple Shake Siggraph User Group Meeting

To a capacity crowd gathered at the Wilshire Grand Hotel in Los Angeles, CA Apple Computer extolled the benefits of Mac OS X in the field of animation, motion graphics, and advanced compositing. Showcasing the latest release of Shake, version 4, experts from South Park animation, Luma Pictures, and the Shake team walked us through the rich feature set.

Apple’s presentation was artfully orchestrated using a full high definition presentation system, which allowed the artists work to shine. Luma Pictures educated the crowd on the ease of deploying advanced PHP web applications to monitor and track visual effect shots for enterprise collaboration.

On 2 August 2005 Apple announced its first ever multibutton mouse, called the might mouse. Expect a full report later on this week on this singular product.

apple shake
apple shake
apple shake registration area
apple shake registration area
apple shake sign
apple shake sign
apple shake stage
apple shake stage
apple shake graphic
apple shake graphic
apple shake UNIX UNIX UNIX
apple shake UNIX UNIX UNIX
apple shake H.264 or AVC
apple shake H.264 or AVC
apple shake luma pictures
apple shake luma pictures
apple shake wilshire grand hotel
apple shake wilshire grand hotel

Apple and Autodesk

Apple Computer and Autodesk showcased their latest offerings in compositing at Siggraph 2005. Apple hosted a Shake User Group Meeting, while Autodesk premiered 3ds Max version 8 along with other applications in their suite of visual effects applications. Apple Computer used the Siggraph event for major news on application development and hardware releases.

Alias delivers Maya 7

Sunday 31 July 2005, at the annual Alias Global User Association (AGUA) meeting in Los Angeles, CA, Alias announced its next release of Maya, version 7. Alias, along with partner companies HP, ATI, and Intel filled the historic Orphium theatre with driving bass rhythms and spry visual effects to the sometimes astonishment of the large crowd. With full body kinematics, realistic floor physical interactions, and more responsive user interface, Maya is once again headed to become the de facto modelers and animator on the Mac OS X platform.

Various presenters from ILM, Sony Electronic Entertainment, and other Maya veterans wowed the crowd with visual effect animations and jaw dropping demonstrations. After the AGUA 2005 rapped, corporate sponsors held a reception, where the Maya faithful talked, laughed and ate a hot meal. See you next year at AGUA 2005.

Please review more pictures from the AGUA 2005 presentation.

alias presents agua 2005
alias presents agua 2005
alias users line up outside the orpheum
alias users line up outside the orpheum
alias AGUA 2005
alias AGUA 2005
AGUA sponsored by ATI, HP, and intel
AGUA sponsored by ATI, HP, and intel
alias announced mays 7
alias announced mays 7
magiera of noumena digital
magiera of noumena digital
orppheum theatre sign
orppheum theatre sign
molly connolly HP workstation unit
molly connolly HP workstation unit
intel platform roadmap
intel platform roadmap
alias motionbuilder 7
alias motionbuilder 7
motionbuilder 7 screenshot
motionbuilder 7 screenshot
jason parks SCEA
jason parks SCEA
rob coleman ILM
rob coleman ILM
AGUA 2005 ends
AGUA 2005 ends